Ra-zor Slide Pro
Clean. Fast. Economical.
Clean. Fast. Economical.
Premium-Quality Razor Blade Sharpeners
Sharpen your razor blades as you enjoy a smooth shave every day. Our patented technology assures the best-quality shaving experience.
The protective guide rails guarantee consistent pressure at just the right angle while sharpening – sharp razor blades for up to six months!
✔ Save you up to 400$ per year on disposable Razor Blades. Why spend 3-5$ every third day?
✔ Keep your disposables sharp and clean.
✔ Be kind towards the environment.
The founder first introduced the concept of Ra-zor Blade sharpening
at Dragons’ Den, a show that offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to
present their business ideas to a panel of six wealthy investors.
Founder Roger Zullig first introduced the concept of Ra-zor at Dragons’ Den, a show that offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their varying business ideas to a panel of six wealthy investors.